We want to share with you some exciting news that is just coming out of Annapolis: our supervisors collective bargaining bill has been passed by the Maryland General Assembly! That means we have one more step to go – Gov. Moore’s signature.
What’s next? Now it’s time to win your union.
Every supervisor needs to sign an AFSCME dual membership/vote “yes” card now. This card does two crucial things: first, it authorizes AFSCME to be our collective bargaining representative by functioning as our YES vote for our union. Second, signing the card makes you a member of AFSCME.
We need every supervisor on board if we’re going to win our union. Please share this link to the vote YES card with your supervisor friends and colleagues. You can remind them that even if they are already an AFSCME member, they will still need to sign a dual authorization card to certify that they are voting YES for our supervisors’ union. This will not change their membership status or collect double dues. This is about winning and building a strong union.
And finally, please plan to join us at our next supervisors organizing committee meeting. We will be meeting next week on Thursday, April 11th at 6 pm on Zoom. You can click here to RSVP. We’ll be talking about what’s next now that legislation has passed and the plan to win your union.
This victory was made possible by every AFSCME supervisor member who showed up at a lobby night, shared your experiences with legislators, testified in support of our legislation, called or emailed your legislators urging them to support our bill, or told a coworker about the legislation and invited them to show up too. We also want to thank our bill sponsor Delegate Mark Chang for all his work in support of our legislation.
If you have any questions, please reach out. Hope to see you at our virtual meeting!