Supervisors are organizing for power with AFSCME Maryland!
As a supervisor, you are still eligible to be an AFSCME member. Whether you have been recently promoted to a supervisor unit or you have been in your role for years, AFSCME believes that all workers deserve a voice in their workplace.
Even if you’re already a member, we need you to complete the updated membership/authorization card so we can win and build a strong union.
Join supervisors across Maryland and vote YES for our union!
Hear Our Stories
Listen to state supervisors talk about why they’re voting YES for AFSCME:
Time to Vote YES for Your Union
During this year’s legislative session, AFSCME members fought for collective bargaining rights for state supervisors. Now, the bill (HB 260/SB 192) has been signed by the Governor!
Vote yes for collective bargaining rights and your AFSCME union today!
Why AFSCME is the Union for MDH Employees
From Tevoia Cropper, a Developmental Disability Associate Supervisor at the Holly Center in Eastern Maryland: I’ve worked at the Holly Center for over a decade. I’ve signed my AFSCME membership/authorization card already because it is my YES vote for our AFSCME...
Why AFSCME is the Union for DPSCS Employees
From Rob Pongratz, a Case Management Supervisor: I’ve worked for DPSCS for 14 years, starting as a Correctional Officer, Case Management Specialist, and now a Case Management Supervisor. I’ve signed my AFSCME membership/authorization card already. It is my YES vote...
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn why you should join our union now, what things we can bargain in our contract, why AFSCME is the union for state supervisors, and more.
We Want to Hear from You
Do you have questions or concerns? We’re happy to answer them. Want us to visit your worksite? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!