We just received word that Maryland’s Public Employee Relations Board has finished counting all of the ballots for our union election for state supervisors. The results show that AFSCME Maryland Council 3 won an overwhelming majority of the vote!

This means, after more than a year of organizing, we have won our AFSCME Maryland Supervisors Union!

This win is momentous, and now 5,000 state supervisors join 20,000 other state employees represented by AFSCME, ready to demand the raises and working conditions we have earned and deserve.

So what’s next? We will begin the process of negotiating a union contract for Unit S state supervisors. Please keep your eyes out for a survey about your top priorities for a union contract. This will be your chance to get into the specifics of what matters to you and what you’d like to see addressed at the bargaining table.

Thank you to all the AFSCME supervisor members who made this victory possible. In the coming weeks, please consider how you want to get involved in our union, whether that’s serving as a bargaining team member, shop steward, and more!

If you are not an AFSCME member, you can join online here.