From Michelle Ward, an Intake Supervisor at the Office of the Public Defender in Baltimore City:

I have some exciting news to share: Governor Moore is scheduled to sign our supervisors collective bargaining bill on Thursday, April 25!

This is a historic moment for all of us. As AFSCME members, we did the work to talk to legislators, lobby, and testify for a great supervisor collective bargaining bill. Now is the time we get to show up to the state house once again and celebrate our victory. Please join me in Annapolis on Thursday, April 25th between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. to attend the signing.

After RSVP-ing, we will send you additional details closer to the event.

This hard work is just the first step in building our union. Once the law goes into effect, we need to present Authorization/Membership cards signed by the majority of supervisors across the state to the labor board so they can certify our union with AFSCME. Then, we can get to the bargaining table to negotiate our first contract! Join us in voting YES so we can have a voice in our pay, benefits, and working conditions. You can sign up on our website here.

We’ve made huge strides because of all our efforts – thank you to all of you who came out to lobby, spoke with legislators, wrote testimony for our bill, and sent messages to your representatives. We made history because we stood together as AFSCME!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Annapolis for the bill signing.

AFSCME members at a lobby night in support of collective bargaining for supervisors in Maryland