From Evander Maye, a Security Attendant Supervisor at Spring Grover Hospital Center:

My coworkers and I are joining the movement to win collective bargaining for state supervisors because it’s time we have a voice in our workplaces and the same rights as the people we work alongside.

Legislative Update

Our supervisor collective bargaining bill made significant progress last month, with the House and Senate both passing the legislation through. Now the Senate and House versions of our bills will cross over to the other chamber for additional votes. (See graphic below to follow the progress). We’ve come so far, but now we must keep up the pressure to get our bill to the finish line and to the Governor’s desk!

Graphic showing how the supervisors bill is progressing in the General Assembly

Next Steps — VOTE YES

There are two things you can do to help our bill progress:

First, sign your membership/authorization card to join forces with supervisors across the state to build the power we need to win. It’s time to cast your YES vote to certify our union. You can sign up on our website here.

Next, join the Union Night Rally on March 11th in Annapolis to show up in force for collective bargaining rights for supervisors. Our visibility in Annapolis this year has been instrumental in our bill’s success, and we can’t let off the gas now! RSVP here to join me in Annapolis on March 11th!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all in Annapolis and getting our bill over the finish line.

Evander Maye and coworkers at the Spring Grove Hospital Center