From Walter Moore, a Security Attendant Supervisor at Springfield Hospital Center:

We are a few weeks into the legislative session, and supervisor members across the state are doing incredible work to make our voices heard in Annapolis!

Over the last three weeks, more than fifty of us supervisors have come out to lobby legislators in support of our supervisors’ collective bargaining bill. Earlier this week, several supervisors including myself testified in front of the House and Senate committees, sharing our stories of the daily frontline struggles we all face and why we need collective bargaining for supervisors now.

You can hear my testimony during the House Appropriations Committee Meeting on Tuesday, January 30 here. I was also joined by Ashley Jenkins and Christal Cooper at the mic that day.

And you can hear Nicole Spencer and Yolanda Downing testifying at the Senate Finance Committee Meeting on Thursday, February 1 here and here.

It felt so powerful to be with other supervisors at our Lobby Night kick off on Jan 22nd. We made visits and spoke directly to House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committee members on the importance of collective bargaining rights for frontline supervisors.

The next lobby night is on Monday, February 5th. We need you to join us in Annapolis, so legislators see that this is the year to get it done and pass our collective bargaining bill, HB 260/SB 192.

This is our opportunity to connect with even more House and Senate committee members before they vote on our bill. They need to know what it feels like to take on additional responsibilities for the state while losing our voice. Legislators know this bill is important to some supervisors, but we need to make it clear how widespread the support is, and why they need to vote in support of our bill now, and not later in this legislative session. The time is not next year – it’s now.

Please RSVP for the February 5 Lobby Night here so we can send you additional details.