From Christal Cooper, a Customer Agent Supervisor at the Motor Vehicle Administration:

We had a packed week in Annapolis moving our supervisors collective bargaining bill, and I wanted to share our wins this week.

After sending hundreds of letters to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance Committees in support of supervisor collective bargaining, both committees voted favorably on our legislation!

Next, our bill will go to the floor of the House and Senate for second and third readings. Then, it needs to cross over to the opposite chamber by March 18th.

Let’s keep up the momentum! Join me this Thursday at our virtual Organizing Committee meeting at 6 PM on Zoom. We will discuss critical next steps including how to reach majority support and sign our “Vote Yes” cards.

You can RSVP here to receive the Zoom link.

To prepare for our bill passing, every supervisor needs to sign their membership/authorization card for our union to be certified. Take a moment to sign our “Vote Yes” cards to vote “Yes” for our union!

Even if you’re already a member, we need you to complete an updated membership/authorization form. This will not change your membership status or collect double dues. This is about winning and building a strong union.

I hope you will stand with me in becoming active in our movement to win collective bargaining rights for supervisors. Together, we can make state service better for ourselves, our jobs, and our agencies.