Supervisors are organizing for power with AFSCME Maryland!

As a supervisor, you are still eligible to be an AFSCME member. Whether you have been recently promoted to a supervisor unit or you have been in your role for years, AFSCME believes that all workers deserve a voice in their workplace.

Join supervisors across Maryland in building a strong union!

We're voting YES for AFSCME Supervisors Union

Hear Our Stories

Listen to state supervisors talk about why they’re voting YES for AFSCME:

Recent Updates

During this year’s legislative session, AFSCME members fought for collective bargaining rights for state supervisors. Now, the bill (HB 260/SB 192) has been signed by the Governor!

Join your union today and secure your voice on the job!

We Have Election Dates!

We Have Election Dates!

We want to share some EXCITING news with you – we have the official election dates to certify our AFSCME Maryland Supervisors Union! Now, we need to vote for AFSCME MD, Council 3 on our ballots!

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Why We’re Organizing

A quote from Yolanda Downing in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland
A quote from Jeremy Riga in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland
A quote from Shaun Rutherford in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland
A quote from Walter Moore in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland
A quote from Samantha Barrett in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland
A quote from Christal Cooper in support of collective bargaining rights for supervisors in Maryland

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn why you should join our union now, what things we can bargain in our contract, why AFSCME is the union for state supervisors, and more.

We Want to Hear from You

Do you have questions or concerns? We’re happy to answer them. Want us to visit your worksite? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!